Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jump ON it...not over it...this awesome OPPORTUNITY, that is.

Everybody knows that surfing the Internet wastes time.

For most folks, their dreams of success have fizzled into disappointment. And now You will know why after You read the free ebook that you can downloaded at my website..."Success In 10 Steps" by Michael Dlouhy. Success in 10 Steps

You will find a HUGE revelation in finding out exactly WHY your lack of success is NOT your fault?

Well, if You think that ebook will answer some questions you've been asking for many moons...well, here's the OPPORTUNITY that I am begging You to JUMP ON, NOT over.
If you've been in our 30 Day Mental Cleanse Master Mind group on Wednesdays...

Mental Cleanse Master Mind Group

...then you know that you've got a Sixth Sense and you know how to use it. If you have not joined this class then you can and will find out about the sixth sense.

So trust your gut about the opportunity I'm about to offer you...

Everybody knows that finding someone who will tell you the truth about network marketing is hard to find these days. Oh sure, we can find lots of gurus offering lots of lip service on how to find success, but we seldom run across someone who has been financially free for years as a result of actually building a downline of his own..and continues to do so after 30 years in the industry.

And he's offering each of us an OPPORTUNITY to pick his brain to get the answers that we need to make our own business successful. But, I'll tell you up front...Michael Dlouhy is honest to the point of seeming somewhat blunt. But I find that's what most people want these days - THE TRUTH!

I encourage you to jump ON this OPPORTUNITY - not over it, not around it - ON IT - because the offer won't be out there for long. So, IF you are seeking success in network marketing and want the truth about HOW to create the results of your dreams, here's what YOU need to do to get a F*R.E*E Coaching andMentoring Call with the author of "Success In 10 Steps", MichaelDlouhy...

1. Read the ebook - you can download now.
In the book, you will learn WHY we fail, and WHY it is NOT our fault. Plus, you will learn exactly what to look for in a company so YOU can be successful. If you've got your ladder up againstthe wrong wall, everybody knows that spending your precious time and money struggling to get to the top still doesn't spell success. Make sure you pay special attention to pages 61-65in the ebook - you won't find that in anybody else's advice.

2. Listen to 2 on-line audios that explain:
a. WHY we aren't given accurate info when we choose our company or business. Come on - everybody knows you can't make a wise choice without accurate information!
b. HOW business models drive certain behaviors - most interesting if you're like most of us and you want to know what in the world is blocking your success when you're working so hard to create financial freedom for you and your loved ones.
c. OK - this is CRITICAL if you want success in network marketing. The "5 Pillars to Success" formula sets you up forthe success you're dreaming about. Once you fully understand each of these 5 Pillars, no one will EVER pull the wool over your eyes again. We like to think of it as being ten foot tall and bulletproof! But that's only true IF YOU make the effort to fully under-stand it and apply it. No problem, your personal coach and mentor will work together with you and you'll be solid about the 5 Pillars in no time.

Now for the BIG ONE - your choice - jump ON it and find the missing link in your success formula. Follow your Sixth Sense and let your gut instinct help you decide what you're going to do. Everybody knows that to earn more, you have to become more.
IF YOU can read the ebook and listen to the audios, then you can look at having a successful business in a whole new way. Now you are prepared to really make it in your business.
And, Michael Dlouhy, will personally spend a mentoring and coaching session with you, to answer any questions you need answered so you can move ahead more rapidly in your business.
Plus, he will share with you some insider secrets on what to avoid in affiliate programs.

This is a true coaching session just for your benefit.

No agenda.No sales pitches.Nothing to buy.

Just the answers and facts you need to make accurate decisions in your business.

So, what's the catch???

After your coaching session, Michael will give you access to the Mentoring For Free Toolbox. Every training and educa-tional tool in the Toolbox is available to you at no cost, no obligation.
You can check it out at your convenience. Michael simply wants you to have and use these tools.


Michael tours the world and gives "live" workshops in many, many cities every year. He hopes you will become one of the many enthusiastic supporters who come to these workshops and in turn shares the energy and skills you've learned at the workshop with others who want success in their business.

Take advantage of this mentoring and coaching call. Get some expert advice and your most pressing questions answered.

Remember, lack of success is NOT your fault, because until someone gives us ACCURATE information, we can't make educated decisions about our businesses.

You can fix that now with this opportunity to talk to MichaelDlouhy, a 30 year veteran in the network marketing industry with a passion to pass "the truth" about network marketingon to You.

There are two types of people in the world:
1. Those who continue surfing the Internet, joining program after program hoping something will magically work, and inthe process, waste years of their lives.
2. Those who find out exactly the information they need so they can make the correct choices to have a successful business for life.

What will YOU do?

If your Sixth Sense...and your common sense...are urging you to claim your F*R.E*E coaching call with Michael Dlouhy, well...TAKE ACTION before you talk yourself out of it from a place of fear. Who knows if it's fear of success or fear of failure that may talk you out of it. It won't matter unless you overpower that negative urge and take charge of your business life for success.
Call or email me right away IF YOU DESIRE to schedule your coaching and mentoring call and find out specifically what YOUcan do to move your business forward in 2009 and beyond. Most people will jump ON this Opportunity to find out just what Michael Dlouhy will share with you to move your business forward. A 30 year veteran still successfully building a business even though he's been financially free for years--are you kidding...JUMP ON IT!! You have nothing to lose but an hour of your time.

Are You Worth It? You Decide!! We think You Are!!

We Believe In You
Barry and Betty Williams

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